How to create a free website on WordPress step by step guide best tutorial in 2019

How to Create a free website on WordPress

In this guide we have shared the means to make a free site on WordPress Platform. There is a major  difference
between and, I will cover the distinctions in discrete post, until further notice you should just realize that you can construct a free site on not on Here, we will tell you the best way to manufacture and host your site on for nothing.

Let’s start with step by step process of build a Brand new website.

1: Signup to WordPress

First you have to Signup at WordPress so go to you would discover a screen like the below one. Snap on Get Started. You would be diverted to  signup page.

Fill up signup form  The fields you should need to give are E-mail Address, Username,
Password and Blog Address (Domain name). Click on the Create Blog!

There are not many things which you should know – The space name you pick would be suffixed with WordPress (since you are utilizing WordPress stage for making free site), for instance I pick a blog name as Indiannripharma and it has naturally been suffixed with wordpress so my total area name (Website's location) is

 2: Confirm email and Activate Blog

When you are finished with stage 1, you would most likely observe a screen like the beneath one, which will request that you confirm your E-mail Address.

Head over to your email and Click on Activate Blog! so as to confirm the Address. The email you get would resemble the one appeared as follows.

 3: Setup your blog

When you are finished with stage 2, you would be requested the few insights concerning your new site, for example, blog Title, Tagline and Language. Click on Next Step  after fill up  every one of these detaile.

 4: Choose and Customize WordPress theme

In this progression you should need to pick a theme1 for your site. There you would discover free and premium themes both. Pick any of the free theme, select it and hd over to the following step.

5: Connect with Facebook or Twitter

You may arrange your twitter and Facebook accounts here. You can likewise skirt this progression and go to subsequent stage. You would most likely arrange these things later.

 6: Finish the Process

Click Finish! You have effectively made a free site on WordPress. It's an ideal opportunity to check how the site looks.

 7: Visit your recently made Website

Go to the program and give your total area name (Website's URL). You would probably see your site. Cool huh! The entire procedure took simply couple of minutes to setup everything. Pause!! We are not yet completed, it's simply the starting, you would need to change the look and presence of your site to make it look appealing. You can do as such by alluding the following area.

Change the Appearance

So as to change the presence of your recently made site. Snap on My Blog at the menu bar and after that click on Change Appearance. Allude the underneath preview for the equivalent.


You would discover the underneath screen. This is your WordPress Dashboard, you can do parcel more things utilizing the left sidebar. We are on the Appearance tab in the left sidebar which enables you to redo existing topic and switch between new subjects. It is safe to say that you are ready to see the left dark sidebar? give me a chance to cover couple of fundamental things about the sidebar before I complete this instructional exercise.

Dashboard: For WordPress, Plugins and Themes refreshes.

Posts: For altering, erasing and composing new posts.

Media: For overseeing and transferring new media documents, for example, pictures and recordings

Pages: For Managing and making new pages on your Blog.

Remarks: For Moderating remarks – Here you can endorse, erase and answer to the remarks.

Appearance: We officially secured it before – for evaluating new subjects and customization.

Settings: Lot more activities. Experience the settings and arrange them according to the need



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